Thursday, 16 June 2011

heartbroken T_T

heart broken ? or a broken heart ?
LOL . same jea due2 nihh !
yang 4 sure nye hati tuh rase mcm disiat siat
and shattered into a million pieces...
and no one , no medicine can cure it back as before (>__<)
tell me where i went wrong...
stao aku , ak dh cube yang terbaek dh untok KITA .
tapi kau jgk ttp slhkan ak .
when we first met I had no idea you would be so important to me...
sejak jumpe kao , hati ak dh tak pandang orang lain dah .
sometimes , we expect more from others because we would be willing
to do that much for them...
tapi kao....ade kau kesah pasal ak cam mane ak wat untok kao ? tak de pon .
if possible , i want to hold ya tight n never let go...
tapi smue tuh dah tk mungkin ,
kao dh lepas kan ak kan .smpai haty kao, tk pernah nk jage prasaan ak .
i wish i could forget you .
tpi tk boliyh . bia lah ak simpan memories tuh sorg2 .
yeah , mmg ak sllu jgk tringt ingt kan kao . rindu kita yg DULU .
cause everthing is never as it seems...
yeah , nmpk ak tenang and happy tersenyum .
tapi hanye tuhan yang tao betape ak pendam semua dlm hati ni .
where were you when everything was falling apart ??
ak mmg ego , tpi ak tabahkan diri untok keep going on...
but kao ? senang2 je lari dpd smue nihh !
you hurt me and you know it !
sampai hati kau kan ?
buat ak menunggu , percaye and diperbodohkan...
you promised that you'll never leave . where are you now ?
bab janji2 mains mmg kao lh mastermind ! tpi ak yg bodoh sbb percaye...
you hurt me more than i deserve , how could you be so cruel ?
i love you more than you deserve...
why am i such a fool ??
kao mmg tak layak untok dicintai !
standing here thingking about how much i miss you ?
yeah , MAYBE i do miss you...
tpi yg ku ingat ade lah semua keburukan yang kau tinggalkan kat aku .
p/s : yeah ,  i kow you hurt me...A LOT .
but i still miss you so fuckinn' damn much BITCH !


  1. sabtu 19 jun 2011 ade gath geng johor blogger..jom lah join..

  2. seb bek x kne heart att ;p u r not alone ~

  3. man : hihi , sweet and sad ? aawww . thanx ♥

    taufan : alaa . bile ? katne ?? nk join tpi jauh !!! T_____T

    fauxy : OMG... heart attack ? yeah nsib bek bkn!! HAHA :D

  4. sadness is just like a rain.. wet... cold... but at the end of it, u might see a rainbow~
    follow cne yer...

  5. gary , true . waitin 4 dat rainbow !
    thaanx :)
    follow kat sblh kiri tuh jea . top of blogg pun ade !

    apik : ehee...yeah . a lil i guess T__T

  6. dah2..takyah ingat dah semua tu..nak patah balik tak bleh dah..mulakan hidop baru jer..

  7. tue lah pasal .
    klau ade pluang untok pth blik p on tk hingen .
    juz teringat2 jea kdg . kite start new kn :)
    thanx apik !
